Insurance Claims Processing

Robert works as a Claims Associate at a claims management service for a large storage chain.
Whenever the storage customers file a claim, Robert must verify the details with the storage facility manager and then collect proof of loss documentation as well as signed paperwork from the customer. Email is super convenient for his customers to take pictures from their cellphone and send it to him for proof of loss. Email is also very convenient for them to send out the completed paperwork to avoid postal delays.
Both Robert and many of his customers realize that email is not secure. Rather than slowing down his customers and his own claims processing by asking them to use the postal service, Robert simply shares his upload page with his customers to upload pictures and completed paperwork. This not only provides security for customer data but saves him a bunch of frustration associated with missing email attachments.
How Can You Use It?
You can manage your clients’ data securely and easily, both for email communication and for storage, simply by signing up!
When you sign up for an Encyro account, you receive an upload page, like
, all setup for you.
You may add your photo and business logo to grow your brand. Your customers can confidently upload confidential information
here. And all those documents stay nicely organized by client for you.
See the complete list of benefits.
The Federal Trade Commission’s data security guide for businesses provides useful information to secure customer data and is available free for all businesses.
Free Trial
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No credit card required. Your trial automatically converts to the free plan upon expiry, unless you purchase another plan.