How to Use Templates?

    How can I save text I use over and over?

    Encyro Pro users can save templates for secure message (text) as well as the Email Introduction (subject and body). You assign a name to the template when saving it and then that name appears as a button that you can click to type out the entire template text.

    Here is how:

    1. Compose your secure message as usual. If you think the text you typed (or a part of it) is going to be useful again, click “Save As Template” at the bottom left of the message composition form.
    Save as template
    1. A new form will open showing you fields for the the template name and description.
      1. Enter a name for the template. This is used in the template button shown to you for using the template later. Select a name that will remind you of the template content.
      2. Optionally add a description for the template. If present, the description is shown when you hover the small ‘i’ icon next to the template name.
      3. Click “Save.”
    1. When you compose a message, the most recent templates that you have created will appear as buttons just above the text input area. To see them all, there is a See All button just above the area where the template buttons are displayed. Click the template name to use the template. Your templates will also appear on the Dashboard page.

    Delete a Template

    To delete a template, start a new secure message, click “See All” near where the templates are shown, find the template you wish to delete, and click the trash can at the right of the template.


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