What's new in the December 2024 Encyro Minor Update

    Following up on the major update released in August 2024, we just released a minor update with several new enhancements. Many of these address the feedback that we received from users after the last update, while others add new functionality.

    This minor update includes the following new features:

    • Customize the navigation menu: Do you wish to make the Documents page the first one to load when you log in, instead of the Dashboard page? Or maybe you have a filter-preset saved (such as a preset to view the list of completed e-sign requests) and you want that to be the first thing to load when you log in. Now you can customize the navigation menu to suit your needs. Simply go to the navigation bar settings page and click Change Order. Then you can drag the menu items up and down. The first item in the menu will be the page that loads first upon login.

    • Drag and drop items to move: When you open a contact folder, you can now move the items (messages, files, or e-sign requests) simply by dragging them. You can either drop them on a folder in the folder tree on the left or on a subfolder shown towards the top to move them.

      • How: Click the checkbox to the left of each item to be moved. Now click and hold down the mouse on any of those items and start dragging the items. Drop them on top of the destination folder.
      • As before you can only move items within a contact folder (i.e., to subfolders within the same contact folder, or if already in a subfolder, then to the contact folder itself or another subfolder within the same contact). This is because those items are shared with that contact.
    • Add e-sign fields by copy-pasting: Sometimes a form might have many fields to add in a table or a column. Add the first field and size it to the table or column as needed. Now you can copy and paste that field (either using right-click on the mouse, or using keyboard shortcuts Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V).

      • The size, and any other properties (such as making the field optional) will be copied to the new field.
      • Pre-filled values will not be copied as they tend to be different for each field.
      • An additional keyboard shortcut, Ctrl-D is available to duplicate the field.
      • Note: If any text is currently selected that will be copied. So make sure to click outside any label or other text input before copying the field.
    • Bulk invite staff users: Now you can invite (add) multiple staff users to your Encyro account by uploading a file containing a list of the users (their email address, name, and optionally an upload page address if one is to be created for that user).

      • You can also filter the list of users shown on the Settings page to see only a certain type of users. For instance, you could select a filter to see only the currently active users and hide the ones that were previously removed.
    • Search settings: The new Settings page offers a search box to search for settings. Not sure which Settings page to update your logo image on? Simply search for “logo” using the search box towards the top left on any Settings page and the results will let you easily go to the relevant section.

    • Compose secure message: Several improvements have been made to the compose message experience.

      • You can now see the past messages in the thread when composing a reply or forwarding a message. The past messages appear below the new one being composed.
      • The compose form has been made more compact to reduce the amount of scroll needed. The compose form also makes better use of the screen space.
      • Copy pasting email-addresses, including with names, works much better than before.
      • When attaching existing files from Encyro, the search now shows results from all existing data. Matching files and folders are displayed.
      • A draft is automatically saved if you switch away from the browser tab where you were composing the message to another tab.
    • Take and attach a photo without saving it to the phone: Previously, attaching a photo from the phone camera on the upload page or when sending a message or file, would use the phone’s camera app. That would create a copy of the photo on the phone as well, in the Photos or similar app. The new update directly takes the picture without creating a copy on the phone. This helps ensure that when taking a picture of something sensnitive to send via Encyro (such as your drivers license or insurance card) the picture is not saved on the phone.

    • Some additional usability improvements have been made that do not necessarily add new functionality but make it easier to use the current features.

      • 2FA Backup encouraged: When adding multi-factor authentication to your account, on the account security settings page, the settings popups now show you a list of available 2FA backup options. Links to more details are provided right where you need them.
      • Draw signature via a phone: On an e-sign request, you can require your signers to finger-draw their signature and not type it or draw it using a mouse. For signers who may not have a touch screen on their computer, the option to finger-draw the signature on their phone is presented. The signer would scan a QR code with their phone and draw on the phone. The signature then appears in the document being signed on the phone. This process has been simplified for the signers.
      • Adding staff users simplified: Previously, to add staff users to your Encyro account, you would buy licenses in the Membership section but then go to the Users section to actually use those licenses for inviting staff members. This process has been simplified. A new Organization page is provided under Settings that allows purchasing licenses and inviting users in the same place.

    Please Continue to Send Us Your Feedback

    Some of you may have noticed that your suggestion is already implemented in the list above.

    Keep the feedback coming. Your feedback will help evolve the product in a direction that serves you best!

    Contact Us.

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