Record an Interview (sound) and Share Securely

    How to record a client interview and send it securely to my computer without dealing with sync cables and wires? How to send my recordings for transcription? Or record and share a business meeting, legal case briefing with client, patent description meeting, or other audio recording?

    Recording on the phone is convenient but transferring to the computer is not. And then emailing around the recorded files is not secure. Instead, you can use Encyro to send audio recordings files securely from your phone.


    On an Android phone, if you visit your Encyro upload page or (if logged in) compose a new message, when you click the “Browse or Take Photo” button, you will be offered the option to start the sound recorder. Record the audio you want and when finished, click “Done” in the Sound Recorder. The audio file will be automatically attached to the Encyro message and you can send it as usual.


    On an iPhone, you may first use the “Voice Memos” app from Apple to first record a voice file. After the recording is finished (you press the stop recording button), tap the “Done” button to save the file. Then click the saved file, click the sharing icon and then click “Save to files”. Select a location to save it.

    Now, on the phone itself, go to your upload page or, if logged in to Encyro, tap Compose (the plus icon). When you click the “Browse of Take Photo” button, you will see an option to Browse for files on your iPhone. Here select the location where you saved your audio recording and then select the file you wish to attach. Once you have attached all audio files desired, send the message as usual.

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