How to Edit an E-Sign Template

    Can I modify a previously saved e-sign template? How to make a change to a previously saved e-sign template, such as to change the reminder settings or add an additional field to fill in? How do I remove the previously added file from the template?

    Edit a Template

    To edit a template:

    1. Log into your Encyro account and select Templates from the left menu.
    2. Then, find the E-sign template you want to edit and click Edit on it.
    3. Make any necessary changes to the subject, email intro, files, signers, and settings.
    4. Click Next: Fields and make any changes to the fields if needed.
    5. Click Save Updated Template near the bottom right. That’s it!

    Rename a Template

    To rename a template:

    1. Log into your Encyro account and select Templates from the left menu.
    2. Then, find the E-sign template you want to edit and click the three dots on it.
    3. Click Rename.
    4. Enter the new name.
    5. Click Save. That’s it!

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