How to Edit an E-Sign Template

    Can I modify a previously saved e-sign template? How to make a change to a previously saved e-sign template, such as to change the reminder settings or add an additional field to fill in? How do I remove the previously added file from the template?


    The basic approach is to start a new e-sign request with the current template, make the changes needed, and save the changed version with the same name, overwriting the old template.


    The steps in detail are shown below. Let us assume that the template to be edited is saved as Photography Contract.

    1. Click Compose E-Sign to show the list of current templates. Find the template you wish to edit.

    2. Now click on the template name to start an e-sign request with the existing template, “Photography Contract” that is to be modified.

    1. In the subsequent stages, edit the fields, signers, and configurations such as reminders, access codes, signing order, login types, and signature types if needed.

    2. When you have the final e-sign request ready, click Save As Template and save it as “Photography Contract.”

      1. Here you may change the “Include File” switch to ON or OFF. Turn it to off if you want to remove the previous file from the template.
    3. You will be asked whether you want to overwrite the existing template. Click Yes. That’s it!

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