Configure E-sign Options: Reminders, Login types, and more

    The simplest way to send an e-sign request is to select a file, add a subject, add fields for signers to fill/sign in, and send it to their email address. However, there are several optional settings that you can take advantage of, listed below.

    • Automated reminders. These are sent if the recipient has not completed the request. [See details.]
      • Remind signers: You may opt to send up to three reminders to each signer who has not completed the e-sign request.
      • Remind yourself: You may get notified yourself if an e-sign request you sent has not been signed. You may then follow up directly with the signer.
    • Text-message based access codes: These may be needed for knowledge based authentication (KBA) on certain types of electronic signatures (e.g. for IRS form 8879). [See details.]
    • Type of Login Required: In addition to the secret code by text, you can add further security by requiring the signer to login to their Encyro account. The signers without accounts will be asked to set a password to create an account. (By default, a login is not required and the email link suffices to access the e-sign request.) [See details.]
    • Order of signing, to require a certain signer to sign first and another to sign after some signers have signed. (For instance, the buyer on a sale-purchase contract may have to sign first with the price they want to offer, and only after that the seller can sign.). [See details.]
    • Type of signature required: You may allow signers to use typed signatures, mouse-drawn signatures, or only signatures drawn using their finger. [See details.]
    • Expiry duration: Each e-sign request is assigned a default expiry of 14 days, to prevent old email links being used for getting access to the sensitive documents. You may however, reduce (down to one day) or increase (up to one year) this duration. [See details.]
    • Explanatory text (Email Introduction): This is included in the email sent to the signers. You may provide them extra information about the request so they know what document to expect to sign when they click the link in the email. This may be set under the heading Email Introduction.

    All the above settings are optional and you may leave them at their default values. However, changing these settings can help you meet your workflow needs, compliance requirements, or client expectations.

    To change any of these settings, start an e-sign request, and optionally add signers, a subject, and an e-mail introduction. Scroll down to the heading “More Options” and click it. All the optional settings are available in this menu. Click the “see details” links in the above list, for each available setting.

    Changing many of the above settings requires an Encyro Pro membership. You may start a free trial via your Settings page. If you already started an e-sign request before switching to Encyro Pro, click Save Draft and you may return to it later after changing your membership settings.

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