Order of Signing

    The order of signing only matters if there is more than one signer. When enabled, signers who are first in the order are notified to sign first. After the signer that is first in the order has signed, the next signer is notified.

    Assign Fields to Different Signers

    After you have selected a PDF file and are adding fields where signers will sign or fill in other data, make sure you assign different fields to different signers.

    To change the signer for a field, click inside the field to open the optional settings. They will open at the right of the screen.

    In the dropdown menu under “Change Signer”, you will see the currently assigned signer.

    1. Open the dropdown, and click on the desired signer to assign this field to that signer. Fields assigned to different signers are shown in different colors.

    Set Signing Order

    You may do this while adding signers, or by clicking “Edit Signers” near the top left.

    1. Below the heading “Signers”, turn on the “Sign in order” toggle.
    2. You will then see a drag handle (⁝⁝) icon to the left of each signer: Click and drag that icon to change the order of the signers.

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